I have been working on the soundtrack / sound design for the independent game TIE since August, and I have just recently completed the soundtrack, and I am very excited to be able to share a link where you can download it and/or listen to the album in its entirety. There's a lot to say about what TIE is, but I'll just let my album description that I have on bandcamp do the talking ;)
This is the soundtrack to the independent game TIE, with art and programming by developer Tony Nowak.
In the game, the player goes through the seven days of the week. They wake up, get on the bus, go to work and come back home. Each day is associated with a song that follows the progression of the internal struggle of the character as he attempts to cope with the drudgery of the daily grind.
Overall the tone of the game seems rather downhearted, but in my conceptualization of the soundtrack and the game itself I see a hopefulness to it. It is a 'leaving behind'. It builds an emotion that is characterized with an ever-present negativity and then lets that emotion die, thus enabling oneself to move on and forward into an open future.
> credits
released 01 May 2014 All songs written and mixed by Jeremy Romberg, except "stay close", written and mixed by Jeremy Romberg and Niko Romberg
Guitars on "stay close" by Niko Romberg Vocals on "stay close" by Veronik Connan
I am want to playing this game.
There's a new build coming out soon I'll edit this post with a link to it when it comes out :)